Built in 1998, the Camelot is located in the heart of James Bay. We offer a warm, comfortable home environment in a quiet location close to Downtown Victoria, a short walk to Victoria Harbour, and fantastic attractions and shopping in the James Bay neighbourhood. We offer a variety of recreational programs such as exercise, theatre, bingo, and more! Our senior's lounge includes a piano and a TV for residents' enjoyment. Contact The Camelot to learn how we can make your retirement comfortable, entertaining, and fulfilling!
Rents include Evening Meals Daily, Weekly Housekeeping and Heavy Laundry Services. Heat, Hydro and Gas are also included in the rent.
Lifestyle Options
Independent Living
Number of Suites: 34
Handicapped Suites Available
Shared Accommodation
Starting Second Person Cost: $927.00 / Month
Only Couples or Relatives can Share
One Bedroom: Starting Cost: $3,200.00 / Month
One Bedroom w Den: Starting Cost: $3,400.00 / Month
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verify all information directly with the residences when you contact them,
especially data related to cost factors and service provision.
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