6 residences found in Ottawa, ON related to 'Senior Cooperative'

Andy Andras Housing Co-op for Seniors

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Tompkins Housing Co-operative

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Eastern Ontario Christian Senior Citizens Co-op Homes - Ottawa - 224 Viewmount Dr

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Eastern Ontario Christian Senior Citizens Co-op Homes - Ottawa - 220 Viewmount Dr

This listing is part of our Unbiased data set, but has chosen not to provide information. Please visit our Sponsored Providers for more detail options.

Personal Choice Independent Living/Choix personnel vie autonome - Carpenter Co-Operative

This listing is part of our Unbiased data set, but has chosen not to provide information. Please visit our Sponsored Providers for more detail options.

Tannenhof Co-operative Homes

This listing is part of our Unbiased data set, but has chosen not to provide information. Please visit our Sponsored Providers for more detail options.

1 service found in Ottawa, ON

Cathy Burton, ASA, Seniors Real Estate Broker in Ottawa - Coldwell Banker First Ottawa Realty, Brokerage

1 services found in nearby cities

Alison Cutajar - Art Therapy in Richmond

103 articles found related to 'Senior Cooperative'